
Feeling vibrant & strong for the entirety of long life!

Rockgevity Mantra


calm energy keeps good state of mind & body


absorb the energy around you and evaluate how to help

Let it be

do not disturb what needs time to sprout or develop


Continue paleo/carnivore w/non starchy veg

Increase animal protein 16 oz/day, little to no carbs from vegetables, increase carbs from fruits mostly berries, add occasional rice w/coco oil

Continue Dr Bergs Hydration, Supplements, Dr Gundry probiotic & vital reds

Continue small amount cream, approved cheese, goat whey/collagen supplementation

Continue longevity, Immunity and Brain protocols 

Continue with TRT


Continue increase animal protein 8oz/day, reduce carbs from vegetables  Start paleo/carnivore w/non starchy veg

Add cream & approved cheese small amounts

Start goat whey/collagen supplementation

Add Dr Bergs Hydration & Supplements

Continue longevity and Immunity protocols

Start Brain protocols NAC, COQ10, Creatine

Introduce Bryan Johnson Blueprint protocols Increase metformin

Start TRT


Continue increase animal protein for muscle centric medicine approach, still including many carbs from veggie

Continue longevity protocols, stop gut healing protocols

Start Immunity protocols Quercetin, D3K2, Zinc, Fish Oil


Begin Longevity protocols: 

NMN, Resveratrol, Metformin

Start to increase animal protein 

Dr Gabrielle Lyon "Muscle Centric Medicine"

Heavy carbs from veggie

2019 - 2020 

Start Dr Gundry probiotics and vital reds, magnesium & basic supplements

Healing from few knock downs colon surgery and hernia mesh implant

Start gut healing protocols triphala & slippery elm, continue lectin free protocols

2018 - 201

Pictured Below Rock Lava Before & After 

1yr of Lectin Free, Grain Free, Sugar and Processed Food Free, Dairy Free, Greatly Reduced Meats, Only "SMASH" Wild Seafood: Salmon, Mackerel, Anchovies, Sardines, Herring as well as wild shellfish

Some time spent as vegan/no nightshades

Rock Lava  after 2 years

Rock's Mantra: 


calm energy keeps good state of mind & body


absorb the energy around you and evaluate how to help

Let it be

do not disturb what needs time to sprout or develop



 "Profound and  life changing"

Eviolet Guerrero

 "I wish I had known all this long ago!"

Scott Putnam

 "Easier to follow than most programs"

Jeanny Gomez

 "I love that multiple doctors are cross referenced!"

Gretchen Mokry